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14 Best Chatbot Datasets for Machine Learning

24 Best Machine Learning Datasets for Chatbot Training

chatbot dataset

Conversational Question Answering (CoQA), pronounced as Coca is a large-scale dataset for building conversational question answering systems. The goal of the CoQA challenge is to measure the ability of machines to understand a text passage and answer a series of interconnected questions that appear in a conversation. The dataset contains 127,000+ questions with answers collected from 8000+ conversations. The encoder RNN iterates through the input sentence one token

(e.g. word) at a time, at each time step outputting an “output” vector

and a “hidden state” vector. The hidden state vector is then passed to

the next time step, while the output vector is recorded.

Model responses are generated using an evaluation dataset of prompts and then uploaded to ChatEval. The responses are then evaluated using a series of automatic evaluation metrics, and are compared against selected baseline/ground truth models (e.g. humans). Researchers can submit their trained models to effortlessly receive comparisons with baselines and prior work. Since all evaluation code is open source, we ensure evaluation is performed in a standardized and transparent way.

We have drawn up the final list of the best conversational data sets to form a chatbot, broken down into question-answer data, customer support data, dialog data, and multilingual data. In this article, I essentially show you how to do data generation, intent classification, and entity extraction. However, there is still more to making a chatbot fully functional and feel natural. This mostly lies in how you map the current dialogue state to what actions the chatbot is supposed to take — or in short, dialogue management. Sutskever et al. discovered that

by using two separate recurrent neural nets together, we can accomplish

this task. One RNN acts as an encoder, which encodes a variable

length input sequence to a fixed-length context vector.

Chatbot training involves feeding the chatbot with a vast amount of diverse and relevant data. The datasets listed below play a crucial role in shaping the chatbot’s understanding and responsiveness. Through Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, the chatbot learns to recognize patterns, infer context, and generate appropriate responses. As it interacts with users and refines its knowledge, the chatbot continuously improves its conversational abilities, making it an invaluable asset for various applications.


called, an input text field will spawn in which we can enter our query

sentence. After typing our input sentence and pressing Enter, our text

is normalized in the same way as our training data, and is ultimately

fed to the evaluate function to obtain a decoded output sentence. We

loop this process, so we can keep chatting with our bot until we enter

either “q” or “quit”. PyTorch’s RNN modules (RNN, LSTM, GRU) can be used like any

other non-recurrent layers by simply passing them the entire input

sequence (or batch of sequences). The reality is that under the hood, there is an

iterative process looping over each time step calculating hidden states. In

this case, we manually loop over the sequences during the training

process like we must do for the decoder model.

The READMEs for individual datasets give an idea of how many workers are required, and how long each dataflow job should take. To get JSON format datasets, use –dataset_format JSON in the dataset’s script. Depending on the dataset, there may be some extra features also included in

each example.

This evaluation dataset provides model responses and human annotations to the DSTC6 dataset, provided by Hori et al. ChatEval offers evaluation datasets consisting of prompts that uploaded chatbots are to respond to. Evaluation datasets are available to download for free and have corresponding baseline models. For example, my Tweets did not have any Tweet that asked “are you a robot.” This actually makes perfect sense because Twitter Apple Support is answered by a real customer support team, not a chatbot. So in these cases, since there are no documents in out dataset that express an intent for challenging a robot, I manually added examples of this intent in its own group that represents this intent.

Let’s get started

For instance, in Reddit the author of the context and response are

identified using additional features. This repo contains scripts for creating datasets in a standard format –

any dataset in this format is referred to elsewhere as simply a

conversational dataset. The ChatEval Platform handles certain automated evaluations of chatbot responses. Systems can be ranked according to a specific metric and viewed as a leaderboard.

ChatEval offers “ground-truth” baselines to compare uploaded models with. Baseline models range from human responders to established chatbot models. To help make a more data informed decision for this, I made a keyword exploration tool that tells you how many Tweets contain that keyword, and gives you a preview of what those Tweets actually are. This is useful to exploring what your customers often ask you and also how to respond to them because we also have outbound data we can take a look at. This is where the how comes in, how do we find 1000 examples per intent?

chatbot dataset

This function is quite self explanatory, as we have done the heavy

lifting with the train function. Before we are ready to use this data, we must perform chatbot dataset some

preprocessing. Wizard of Oz Multidomain Dataset (MultiWOZ)… A fully tagged collection of written conversations spanning multiple domains and topics.

I like to use affirmations like “Did that solve your problem” to reaffirm an intent. That way the neural network is able to make better predictions on user utterances it has never seen before. When we compare the top two similar meaning Tweets in this toy example (both are asking to talk to a representative), we get a dummy cosine similarity of 0.8. When we compare the bottom two different meaning Tweets (one is a greeting, one is an exit), we get -0.3. For this we define a Voc class, which keeps a mapping from words to

indexes, a reverse mapping of indexes to words, a count of each word and

a total word count.

Conversational models are a hot topic in artificial intelligence

research. Chatbots can be found in a variety of settings, including

customer service applications and online helpdesks. These bots are often

powered by retrieval-based models, which output predefined responses to

questions of certain forms. In a highly restricted domain like a

company’s IT helpdesk, these models may be sufficient, however, they are

not robust enough for more general use-cases. Teaching a machine to

carry out a meaningful conversation with a human in multiple domains is

a research question that is far from solved. Recently, the deep learning

boom has allowed for powerful generative models like Google’s Neural

Conversational Model, which marks

a large step towards multi-domain generative conversational models.

Multilingual Datasets for Chatbot Training

Since you are minimizing loss with stochastic gradient descent, you can visualize your loss over the epochs. The first step is to create a dictionary that stores the entity categories you think are relevant to your chatbot. So in that case, you would have to train your own custom spaCy Named Entity Recognition (NER) model. For Apple products, it makes sense for the entities to be what hardware and what application the customer is using. You want to respond to customers who are asking about an iPhone differently than customers who are asking about their Macbook Pro.

It provides a challenging test bed for a number of tasks, including language comprehension, slot filling, dialog status monitoring, and response generation. TyDi QA is a set of question response data covering 11 typologically diverse languages with 204K question-answer pairs. It contains linguistic phenomena that would not be found in English-only corpora. QASC is a question-and-answer data set that focuses on sentence composition. It consists of 9,980 8-channel multiple-choice questions on elementary school science (8,134 train, 926 dev, 920 test), and is accompanied by a corpus of 17M sentences. I recommend checking out this video and the Rasa documentation to see how Rasa NLU (for Natural Language Understanding) and Rasa Core (for Dialogue Management) modules are used to create an intelligent chatbot.

So if you have any feedback as for how to improve my chatbot or if there is a better practice compared to my current method, please do comment or reach out to let me know! I am always striving to make the best product I can deliver and always striving to learn more. It isn’t the ideal place for deploying because it is hard to display conversation history dynamically, but it gets the job done. For example, you can use Flask to deploy your chatbot on Facebook Messenger and other platforms.

The idea is to get a result out first to use as a benchmark so we can then iteratively improve upon on data. Once you’ve generated your data, make sure you store it as two columns “Utterance” and “Intent”. This is something you’ll run into a lot and this is okay because you can just convert it to String form with Series.apply(” “.join) at any time. Finally, as a brief EDA, here are the emojis I have in my dataset — it’s interesting to visualize, but I didn’t end up using this information for anything that’s really useful. First, I got my data in a format of inbound and outbound text by some Pandas merge statements.

To empower these virtual conversationalists, harnessing the power of the right datasets is crucial. Our team has meticulously curated a comprehensive list of the best machine learning datasets for chatbot training in 2023. If you require help with custom chatbot training services, SmartOne is able to help. It is a large-scale, high-quality data set, together with web documents, as well as two pre-trained models. The dataset is created by Facebook and it comprises of 270K threads of diverse, open-ended questions that require multi-sentence answers.

The encoder

transforms the context it saw at each point in the sequence into a set

of points in a high-dimensional space, which the decoder will use to

generate a meaningful output for the given task. We’ve put together the ultimate list of the best conversational datasets to train a chatbot, broken down into question-answer data, customer support data, dialogue data and multilingual data. CoQA is a large-scale data set for the construction of conversational question answering systems. The CoQA contains 127,000 questions with answers, obtained from 8,000 conversations involving text passages from seven different domains.

You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Natural Questions (NQ), a new large-scale corpus for training and evaluating open-ended question answering systems, and the first to replicate the end-to-end process in which people find answers to questions. NQ is a large corpus, consisting of 300,000 questions of natural origin, as well as human-annotated answers from Wikipedia pages, for use in training in quality assurance systems. In addition, we have included 16,000 examples where the answers (to the same questions) are provided by 5 different annotators, useful for evaluating the performance of the QA systems learned. With the help of the best machine learning datasets for chatbot training, your chatbot will emerge as a delightful conversationalist, captivating users with its intelligence and wit. Embrace the power of data precision and let your chatbot embark on a journey to greatness, enriching user interactions and driving success in the AI landscape.

While it is not guaranteed that the random negatives will indeed be ‘true’ negatives, the 1-of-100 metric still provides a useful evaluation signal that correlates with downstream tasks. OpenBookQA, inspired by open-book exams to assess human understanding of a subject. The open book that accompanies our questions is a set of 1329 elementary level scientific facts. Approximately 6,000 questions focus on understanding these facts and applying them to new situations. To further enhance your understanding of AI and explore more datasets, check out Google’s curated list of datasets. Get a quote for an end-to-end data solution to your specific requirements.

chatbot dataset

In addition to using Doc2Vec similarity to generate training examples, I also manually added examples in. I started with several examples I can think of, then I looped over these same examples until it meets the 1000 threshold. If you know a customer is very likely to write something, you should just add it to the training examples. Moreover, it can only access the tags of each Tweet, so I had to do extra work in Python to find the tag of a Tweet given its content. Congratulations, you now know the

fundamentals to building a generative chatbot model! If you’re

interested, you can try tailoring the chatbot’s behavior by tweaking the

model and training parameters and customizing the data that you train

the model on.

EXCITEMENT dataset… Available in English and Italian, these kits contain negative customer testimonials in which customers indicate reasons for dissatisfaction with the company. NUS Corpus… This corpus was created to normalize text from social networks and translate it. It is built by randomly selecting 2,000 messages from the NUS English SMS corpus and then translated into formal Chinese. NPS Chat Corpus… This corpus consists of 10,567 messages from approximately 500,000 messages collected in various online chats in accordance with the terms of service.

This loss function calculates the average

negative log likelihood of the elements that correspond to a 1 in the

mask tensor. The inputVar function handles the process of converting sentences to

tensor, ultimately creating a correctly shaped zero-padded tensor. It

also returns a tensor of lengths for each of the sequences in the

batch which will be passed to our decoder later. The training set is stored as one collection of examples, and

the test set as another. Examples are shuffled randomly (and not necessarily reproducibly) among the files.

The tools/ and baselines/ scripts demonstrate how to read a Tensorflow example format conversational dataset in Python, using functions from the tensorflow library. Note that these are the dataset sizes after filtering and other processing. Rather than providing the raw processed data, we provide scripts and instructions to generate the data yourself. This allows you to view and potentially manipulate the pre-processing and filtering. The instructions define standard datasets, with deterministic train/test splits, which can be used to define reproducible evaluations in research papers.

One of the ways to build a robust and intelligent chatbot system is to feed question answering dataset during training the model. Question answering systems provide real-time answers that are essential and can be said as an important ability for understanding and reasoning. HotpotQA is a set of question response data that includes natural multi-skip questions, with a strong emphasis on supporting facts to allow for more explicit question answering systems. Chatbot training datasets from multilingual dataset to dialogues and customer support chatbots. Each of the entries on this list contains relevant data including customer support data, multilingual data, dialogue data, and question-answer data.

For EVE bot, the goal is to extract Apple-specific keywords that fit under the hardware or application category. Like intent classification, there are many ways to do this — each has its benefits depending for the context. Rasa NLU uses a conditional random field (CRF) model, but for this I will use spaCy’s implementation Chat PG of stochastic gradient descent (SGD). If you already have a labelled dataset with all the intents you want to classify, we don’t need this step. That’s why we need to do some extra work to add intent labels to our dataset. Every chatbot would have different sets of entities that should be captured.

The dataset is collected from crowd-workers supply questions and answers based on a set of over 10,000 news articles from CNN, with answers consisting of spans of text from the corresponding articles. The dataset contains 119,633 natural language questions posed by crowd-workers on 12,744 news articles from CNN. WikiQA corpus… A publicly available set of question and sentence pairs collected and annotated to explore answers to open domain questions. To reflect the true need for information from ordinary users, they used Bing query logs as a source of questions.

For convenience, we’ll create a nicely formatted data file in which each line

contains a tab-separated query sentence and a response sentence pair. This dataset is large and diverse, and there is a great variation of

language formality, time periods, sentiment, etc. Our hope is that this

diversity makes our model robust to many forms of inputs and queries. Dataflow will run workers on multiple Compute Engine instances, so make sure you have a sufficient quota of n1-standard-1 machines.

Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Chat Logs… This automatically generated IRC chat log is available in RDF that has been running daily since 2004, including timestamps and aliases. Yahoo Language Data… This page presents hand-picked QC datasets from Yahoo Answers from Yahoo. Benchmark results for each of the datasets can be found in A set of Quora questions to determine whether pairs of question texts actually correspond to semantically equivalent queries. More than 400,000 lines of potential questions duplicate question pairs. The ChatEval webapp is built using Django and React (front-end) using Magnitude word embeddings format for evaluation.

The data were collected using the Oz Assistant method between two paid workers, one of whom acts as an “assistant” and the other as a “user”. The dataset was presented by researchers at Stanford University and SQuAD 2.0 contains more than 100,000 questions. But back to Eve bot, since I am making a Twitter Apple Support robot, I got my data from customer support Tweets on Kaggle. Once you finished getting the right dataset, then you can start to preprocess it.

Well first, we need to know if there are 1000 examples in our dataset of the intent that we want. In order to do this, we need some concept of distance between each Tweet where if two Tweets are deemed “close” to each other, they should possess the same intent. Likewise, two Tweets that are “further” from each other should be very different in its meaning. In this step, we want to group the Tweets together to represent an intent so we can label them.

Load and trim data¶

However, we need to be able to index our batch along time, and across

all sequences in the batch. Therefore, we transpose our input batch

shape to (max_length, batch_size), so that indexing across the first

dimension returns a time step across all sentences in the batch. At PolyAI we train models of conversational response on huge conversational datasets and then adapt these models to domain-specific tasks in conversational AI. This general approach of pre-training large models on huge datasets has long been popular in the image community and is now taking off in the NLP community. A data set of 502 dialogues with 12,000 annotated statements between a user and a wizard discussing natural language movie preferences.

Each question is linked to a Wikipedia page that potentially has an answer. An effective chatbot requires a massive amount of training data in order to quickly solve user inquiries without human intervention. However, the primary bottleneck in chatbot development is obtaining realistic, task-oriented dialog data to train these machine learning-based systems.

This dataset is for the Next Utterance Recovery task, which is a shared task in the 2020 WOCHAT+DBDC. This dataset is derived from the Third Dialogue Breakdown Detection Challenge. Here we’ve taken the most difficult turns in the dataset and are using them to evaluate next utterance generation. In (Vinyals and Le 2015), human evaluation is conducted on a set of 200 hand-picked prompts. The bot needs to learn exactly when to execute actions like to listen and when to ask for essential bits of information if it is needed to answer a particular intent.

Create a Chatbot Trained on Your Own Data via the OpenAI API — SitePoint – SitePoint

Create a Chatbot Trained on Your Own Data via the OpenAI API — SitePoint.

Posted: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Embedding methods are ways to convert words (or sequences of them) into a numeric representation that could be compared to each other. I created a training data generator tool with Streamlit to convert my Tweets into a 20D Doc2Vec representation of my data where each Tweet can be compared to each other using cosine similarity. In this tutorial, we explore a fun and interesting use-case of recurrent

sequence-to-sequence models. We will train a simple chatbot using movie

scripts from the Cornell Movie-Dialogs

Corpus. SGD (Schema-Guided Dialogue) dataset, containing over 16k of multi-domain conversations covering 16 domains. Our dataset exceeds the size of existing task-oriented dialog corpora, while highlighting the challenges of creating large-scale virtual wizards.


You have to train it, and it’s similar to how you would train a neural network (using epochs). In general, things like removing stop-words will shift the distribution to the left because we have fewer and fewer tokens at every preprocessing step. Finally, if a sentence is entered that contains a word that is not in

the vocabulary, we handle this gracefully by printing an error message

and prompting the user to enter another sentence.

Batch2TrainData simply takes a bunch of pairs and returns the input

and target tensors using the aforementioned functions. Using mini-batches also means that we must be mindful of the variation

of sentence length in our batches. The number of unique bigrams in the model’s responses divided by the total number of generated tokens. The number of unique unigrams in the model’s responses divided by the total number of generated tokens. This evaluation dataset contains a random subset of 200 prompts from the English OpenSubtitles 2009 dataset (Tiedemann 2009).

I recommend you start off with a base idea of what your intents and entities would be, then iteratively improve upon it as you test it out more and more. The 1-of-100 metric is computed using random batches of 100 examples so that the responses from other examples in the batch are used as random negative candidates. This allows for efficiently computing the metric across many examples in batches.

  • We

    loop this process, so we can keep chatting with our bot until we enter

    either “q” or “quit”.

  • These bots are often

    powered by retrieval-based models, which output predefined responses to

    questions of certain forms.

  • As long as you

    maintain the correct conceptual model of these modules, implementing

    sequential models can be very straightforward.

  • Since I plan to use quite an involved neural network architecture (Bidirectional LSTM) for classifying my intents, I need to generate sufficient examples for each intent.
  • This is useful to exploring what your customers often ask you and also how to respond to them because we also have outbound data we can take a look at.

The set contains 10,000 dialogues and at least an order of magnitude more than all previous annotated corpora, which are focused on solving problems. Goal-oriented dialogues in Maluuba… A dataset of conversations in which the conversation is focused on completing a task or making a decision, such as finding flights and hotels. Contains comprehensive information covering over 250 hotels, flights and destinations. Twitter customer support… This dataset on Kaggle includes over 3,000,000 tweets and replies from the biggest brands on Twitter. Link… This corpus includes Wikipedia articles, hand-generated factual questions, and hand-generated answers to those questions for use in scientific research. The Dataflow scripts write conversational datasets to Google cloud storage, so you will need to create a bucket to save the dataset to.

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chatbot dataset

Note that we will implement the “Attention Layer” as a

separate nn.Module called Attn. The output of this module is a

softmax normalized weights tensor of shape (batch_size, 1,

max_length). Finally, if passing a padded batch of sequences to an RNN module, we

must pack and unpack padding around the RNN pass using

nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence and

nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence respectively. First, we must convert the Unicode strings to ASCII using

unicodeToAscii. Next, we should convert all letters to lowercase and

trim all non-letter characters except for basic punctuation

(normalizeString). Finally, to aid in training convergence, we will

filter out sentences with length greater than the MAX_LENGTH

threshold (filterPairs).

In theory, this

context vector (the final hidden layer of the RNN) will contain semantic

information about the query sentence that is input to the bot. The

second RNN is a decoder, which takes an input word and the context

vector, and returns a guess for the next word in the sequence and a

hidden state to use in the next iteration. Lionbridge AI provides custom data for chatbot training using machine learning in 300 languages ​​to make your conversations more interactive and support customers around the world. And if you want to improve yourself in machine learning – come to our extended course by ML and don’t forget about the promo code HABRadding 10% to the banner discount.

We recently updated our website with a list of the best open-sourced datasets used by ML teams across industries. We are constantly updating this page, adding more datasets to help you find the best training data you need for your projects. In this article, we list down 10 Question-Answering datasets which can be used to build a robust chatbot.

chatbot dataset

In the OPUS project they try to convert and align free online data, to add linguistic annotation, and to provide the community with a publicly available parallel corpus. So for this specific intent of weather retrieval, it is important to save the location into a slot stored in memory. If the user doesn’t mention the location, the bot should ask the user where the user is located. It is unrealistic and inefficient to ask the bot to make API calls for the weather in every city in the world.

The binary mask tensor has

the same shape as the output target tensor, but every element that is a

PAD_token is 0 and all others are 1. Note that we are dealing with sequences of words, which do not have

an implicit mapping to a discrete numerical space. Thus, we must create

one by mapping each unique word that we encounter in our dataset to an

index value. Our next order of business is to create a vocabulary and load

query/response sentence pairs into memory.

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